Friday, May 4, 2012

"Almond Crepes for the egg haters"

After yesterdays blog, I feel I need to clear the air. Don't get me wrong, I love eggs. Without them, we wouldn't have such delicacies such cheesecake and other delicious baked goods. I felt this morning I needed to somehow vindicate them by having a nice ham and cheese omelet but ultimately, I couldn't do it.

Once again I turned to three fat chicks and found a recipe for almond crepes which actually has almond flour in it so I imagined the texture would be more pancake-y. Because I've been so good on my diet so far I splurged and bought a pack of almond flour. It's about $10 a pound. Yeah. Good thing I only needed about four tablespoons.

The batter smelled heavenly and my mouth began to water as I slowly watched little bubbles form around the edge.  I added a few dabs of cream cheese as recommended and as I went to flip it, the darn thing broke:(

On a side note: I've made crepes monthly for the past fifteen years so I feel fairly competent when it comes to crepe flipping so I was caught off guard. Fortunately the batter seemed to meld back together so I decided to give it another try after a minute. Once again, it broke. With my crepe confidence shattered, I scrambled the damn thing which ultimately, looked like scrambled eggs:/

I slathered it with butter and my beloved Mrs Butterworths sugar free syrup and chowed down. Not bad. The bits of cream cheese were like little surprises and the almond flour did add a small amount of texture.

Take two. I decided to pour the rest of the batter in to make a thicker crepe. I added the cream cheese and just flipped over one side ala omelet. Tasty! I know it looks a little burned but it tasted better this time. Definitely will make it again.

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